This was truly an epic movie. Derrived from the adaptation of Mario Puzo and directed by world famous Francis Ford Coppola, this is a must seen movie of all time for Malaysians to watch. It started as a novel by Mario Puzo in 1969 and made into a film in 1972, and two sequels in 1974 (the Godfather II) and 1990 (the Godfather III).
Starred by well known actors included Marlon Brando, Al-Pacino, Robert De Niro, Diane Keaton, James Caan and Andy Garcia the film tells a story about the life, the hardship, the struggles and the truth of the Sicillian Mafia Family a.k.a Cosa Nostra in New York. The good, the bad attitudes, the rudeness and the loyalty of brotherhood were expressed in the film and potrayed fictionally exact as the attributes of the Mafia.
A film as good as this, I'm very sure it'll take a long time in Malaysia, to come out a movie of such. Enough was produced over 38 years ago, and it was awesome!!
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