Monday, June 28, 2010


No much things happened this week. As i'm still waiting, not much things i can do or share. But as these 2-3 days passes by, I saw Layla Luna were now into Lady Gaga. She's kept humming the 'Pokerface' of Glee cast version since she watched the 'Theatrical Episode' last week. Eversince that, she'd also downloaded the song included the 'Bad Romance' vid clip. Geez. She's also now into Australia's Next Top Model. She'd watched the back to back episodes on StarWorld. Wow. Not much I can say about that. Huhu... 

by Google

And recently Layla Luna and I also watched these movies 'The Karate Kid' and 'Knight and Day'. These movies were likely fun to watch. The storyline were great. The actions and scenes were awesome. The characters were linked to the conflicts and issue accordingly. The continuity of both movies were good. Didn't find any bloopers or mistakes in both of the movies except there were delayed transitions in 1-2 scenes during scene changes. Enough said... Good movies for good entertainment!

by Google

Ape yang tak kena dengan ini gambar?

the Menantu of Hajah Halimah
Hahaha..i've completed my stamp-cloning skills in Adobe Photoshop CS3..

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Godfather..Bang!! Bang!! Bang!!

This was truly an epic movie. Derrived from the adaptation of Mario Puzo and directed by world famous Francis Ford Coppola, this is a must seen movie of all time for Malaysians to watch. It started as a novel by Mario Puzo in 1969 and made into a film in 1972, and two sequels in 1974 (the Godfather II) and 1990 (the Godfather III).
Starred by well known actors included Marlon Brando, Al-Pacino, Robert De Niro, Diane Keaton, James Caan and Andy Garcia the film tells a story about the life, the hardship, the struggles and the truth of the Sicillian Mafia Family a.k.a Cosa Nostra in New York. The good, the bad attitudes, the rudeness and the loyalty of brotherhood were expressed in the film and potrayed fictionally exact as the attributes of the Mafia.

The GodfatherThe Godfather II
The Godfather III
A film as good as this, I'm very sure it'll take a long time in Malaysia, to come out a movie of such. Enough was produced over 38 years ago, and it was awesome!!

more info:

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

OMG..Is that a song they're singing?

While waiting for the world cup football actions started at 10pm today, Layla Luna switched the tv channel earlier to a local tv station channel and guess what? A malay drama series was on air entitled 'Hotel Mania'.Well, just to share some of my own opinion, I can see this drama series was a cliche from US tv series 'GLEE' combined with 'HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL'. It was a below standard drama series although it was a hi-cost production from KRU. Below standard here means, the script was not align with the concept of the story, the storyline was not appropriate with the dialoge and lame/weak conflicts used such other similar malays tv series. And the most annoying thing in this show was the songs that the characters would sing ridiculously anywhere. Seriously, this type of drama series was created only to fullfil the needs of certain age group, not for all ages and it was a shame such drama genre still being produced while there are many other genre or concept to opt.

Frankly, I'm sick watching these types of tv/drama series and because of I didn't have enough money at this moment to produce my own drama series, if not I'd surely do my own show. E.g:

Real-time based drama; if you watched '24', you'd get the idea. But picked another conflicts rather than hostage situation. For example maybe use a  team in a certain sports competition, playing to win the matches. Put in there, the critical point of each character are facing during the match, the fatigue, the hecticness and maybe their own talking minds speaking.

Several points that I can see in good Film/drama series:

General story- mostly involving the surface of the story.
Matters: things that happened in the story.
Conflicts: problems that happened in the story.
Resolving the conflicts: either manage to resolve or not, but mostly in a film/ drama every conflicts will be resolved.

Enough said...singing in drama is not melodramatic, it's pathetic

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Super Star vs. Football Star

Watching World Cup 2010 all day long makes my head confused between some Hollywood actors and football players. Example:


Do you know who they are?  I think these football players and movie stars are look alike, but Layla Luna begs to differ... Any comments?

Saturday, June 19, 2010

This Is Definitely A Film

A French-American film. Produced by Goumont in 1994, directed by a well-established French director, Luc Besson. Jean Reno, well aclaimed French actor starred as the lead character, supported by young Natalie Portman and also Gary Oldman. The film entitled Leon a.k.a The Professional.

Not much I can say about this film because it's absolutely entertaining with the actions and heart-pumping scenes nevertheless the awesome cinemathography created by the famous Luc Besson. This film was about a lonely assasin-Leon (Jean Reno) that have to protect a little girl-Mathilda (Natalie Portman) from a dirty DEA officer (Gary Oldman) that have killed Mathilda's little brother and with the help from Leon, Mathilda tries to find revenge over the death of her little brother. So, does Mathilda founds her revenge? And did Leon manage to help Mathilda?

Enough said...I watched this film over 7 years ago and I still remember how much I like this film..It was a great film... Malaysia should come out a movie or film such as this.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Finally..Live telecast from home

Akhir nye... Bersiaran langsung dari Afrika Selatan direct terus ke Tv kt umah ni...Hehe..World Cup 2010. Sports Channel Astro dah dilanggan, terime kasih kt Andak sbb tolong tukarkan pakej Astro tu semalam. So, start mlm semalam dah layan WC kt umah jek, tgk Spain kene seksa dgn Swiss 1-0, gol tunggal bertuah nye bola fumble...South Africa kene tapau ngan Uruguay 3-0, sbb defender longgar pastu keeper kne kad merah...Argentina meng'ayam'kan Korea Selatan 4-1, siap dpt own gol lg awal 1st half..huhu..dan tp tadi kuar jugak lpak ngan Layla Luna kt Hajris tgk Nigeria kalah tipis ngn Greece, 2-1..huihh...
Enough said...nampak gaye most probably, Nigeria going to pack up and go home early this year...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Ape Jadi Pada Cerita Melayu Sekarang Ni?

Catatan kepade diri sendiri.

Bukak TV, terus tgk channel 711 Astro Starworld tengah bersiaran "Desperate Housewives" musim ke-4, ni musim yg lame dah tayang kt Amerika sane. Layan je la, nak tukar channel sukan, x suscribe pulak. Tunggu la sehari dua nanti baru langgan kot. Mase tgh layan cerite ni, tetibe je fikiran ni teringat kat 1 cerite drama bersiri Melayu yg bersiaran kt Astro jugak, "Senja Permai".
Pade sy, "Senja Permai" tu mcm meniru cerite "Desperate Housewives" tu iaitu konsep cerite yg cuba ditonjolkan dlm drama bersiri tu atau konon-kononnye mcm nk buat cerite "Desperate Housewives" versi melayu. Ade scene bergosip sesama jiran di depan pintu gate, rahsia antara jiran tetangga dan jugak rahsia dlm keluarga sendiri. Yg berbeza cume skrip, olahan karekter, dialog, jalan cerite dan konflik yg tidak berkembang. Senang cerite, dari start episod 1 sampai abis, konflik yg ade dlm setiap famili tu same jer, x berubah-ubah. Konflik yg ditonjolkan pulak hanya sekadar satu masalah yg tidak terlalu rumit yg dipanjangkan dari episod 1 smpi beberape episod walhal kalau dibuat telefilem, x sampai 2 jam satu musim siri tu dah boleh abis.
Contoh yg boleh di ambil dri cerite tu; ade 1 famili yg mempunyai anak perempuan yg bermasalah sosial, smpi dpt HIV. Penyelesaian, anak tu dikurung dan diawasi oleh adik kecik nye. Dan lelaki yg bertanggungjawab meng'HIV'kan si budak perempuan tu adalah jiran sebelah menyebelah yg sudah berkahwin dan x mahu bertanggungjawab, yg akhirnya lelaki tersebut mati terjatuh kepale nye kena divider jln akibat ditolak oleh bapak budak perempuan tu. Emmm...xde cara lain ker?
Ini bukan je dlm cerite tu, bnyk lagi cerite lain yg konsepnye di ambil dari luar negara dan bila digarap di Malaysia, sy lihat x menjadi. Contoh, "Tari Tirana" ala2 "Step Up", "Ampang Medikal" ala2 "ER"/"Grey's Anatomy" dan mcm2 lg yg sy sendiri x ingat name tajuk nye.
Bukan sy nk mengutuk atau mengkritik nk kate penerbit, pengarah atau penulis skrip x bagus, cume nak perubahan dalam drama bersiri atau telefilem yang disiarkan di Malaysia ni. Bosan jugak mule dah la tgk 'Halimah Jongang' telemovie pastu kuar pulak drama bersiri 'Halimah Jongang The Series', menggunakan jln cerite yg same ngan telemovie cume utk the series tu, ianye dipanjang-panjangkan dan barisan pelakon yg ditukar. Tak lame kemudian kuar pulak 'Fatimah Juling' cliche kpd 'Halimah Jongang'. Aduh. Dan masalah yg selalu ditonjolkan, atau 'the biggest conflict' biasenye masalah cinta tipikal, contoh 'Tari Tirana' cinta 3 segi, meleret-leret smpi 5-6 episod berebutkan si awek tu, nk tgk pelakon menari 3-4 episod bru ade sekali menari, bile adegan menari tu kuar pulak, nampak sgt kaku gerak tari nye, terlalu teknikal.
Tgk 'Awan Dania' pulak, x abis-abis main tarik-tarik tali ngn si boyfriend, kjap nk couple, kjap tanak. Kena ngorat ngn org lain, jual mahal, ape-ape aje lah. Pastu konflik kerja yg selalu melibatkan masalah peribadi. Bos main kayu tige ngn secretary, driver dgn datin ade skandal. Macam-macam lg.
Emm..kadang2 terpikir jugak, Malaysia ni dah xde idea yg lebih kreatif ke nk buat drama bersiri mcm dulu2. Perlu ke nak selitkan selalu konflik atau masalah tipikal dlm setiap drama? Sikit-sikit je ade masalah cinte, cinte terlarang, dengki khianat, ugut-mengugut, Ah Long, mat rempit dgn minah motor dan selalu sgt keruntuhan moral ditonjolkan dlm drama. Cube la bukak minda atau brainstorming konflik yg lebih rumit yg mgkin sedang berlaku di sekeliling kite tp kite terlepas pandang. Jgn terlalu asyik dgn genre yg same diulang-ulang.
Bukak Astro Ria same, RTM lagi lah, TV3 pn same jugak. Last2, sy kne bukak Starworld, AXN, HBO, tgk drama series luar negara. Tak pun bukak TV nk tgk drama siri Indon, Benci Bilang Cinta.

Monday, June 14, 2010


Watching Steve Terada's mix martial arts vids makes me wanna kick some butt...watchaa~!!
pic taken after finished wedding receptions..hahaha..Kind of bored at that time. Plus, I've always dreamed to have this kind of pics before and finally I did..Yey~!! 

photographed by: nash haron of shutter beat
edited by: red_ryuka using photoscape @

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Wedding and Aqiqah reception day...

It was a hectic day today, celebrating my younger brother's marriage and Aqiqah for the nephews and nieces. The tables were torturing my arms and legs, as we need to arranged them back to their places. But, it was a great day also. Seeing happy faces, families from near and afar were coming. It's more to a big gathering rather than a wedding reception.
tables and seats already set
special dishes for the guestskeeping mother cool
Nevertheless, something bad did happened to me. Some water spilt to my car key while i'm buying some mineral water at a shop and made my remote controller gone crazy, it blinked on and off and the alarm sounded for a quite sometimes, I had no other way but to brake the shell of the device and pulled off the battery so the alarm turned off. Thank god it's still functioning after I broke it, so I can access my car to drive home. Hehe...And before we call off our day, we did a photoshoot session going on.

the newly weds
brothers in the familysisters in-law
 nieces and nephews in the family
Layla Luna gone back early, missed the photoshoot

enough said...awesome day

Saturday, June 12, 2010

3rd Match, South Korea vs. wedding reception and Aqiqah prep

Arrived around 10am at my brother's house, have wedding and Aqiqah reception prep to be done. Arranging tables, picked up chairs while Layla Luna helped for the wedding eggs and wrapping chocolates.
Have lunch and dinner there while watching repeats WC games and live telecast for 3rd match with brothers, nephews and families.
nephew and niece playing toyslayla luna, sister in-law and niecesister in-law and motherif you can see there, a cow's head
Unexpected, the South Korean football team threw a splendid game facing Greece in the Group B for their first match above the average. Seems like Greece were playing too loose, neglected the defenses easily to the South Korean's offensive play hence conceded goal as early 6th minutes of the game started, by Lee Jung Soo. And another goal by Park Ji Sung, minute 52nd. Enough said....South Korea, clean 3 points.

World Cup fever started today. . .

2010 World Cup,Johannesburg, South Africa. Today 10pm seen the opening game between south Africa and Mexico. Not much of the actions seen in the first half unless the offside goal conceded by Mexico towards South African's goal net. Although most of the time Mexico takes control of the ball posession, but as for my personal opinion the South Africa did great in the second half. Draw 1-1, I can see that today's match as average, most of the key players were not pushing up their maximum performance such as Steven Pienaar of South Africa and G.Dos Santos of Mexico.

enough said...watched live telecast from Hajris Bistro, I was accompanied by my lovely partner, Layla Luna.

Thursday, June 10, 2010



Sila beri tunjuk ajar.

Tahap kebosanan sudah meningkat, tak tau nak buat ape lagi dah... main game sudah, download torrent sudah, tgk TV sudah, makan sudah, B.O sudah & nak tido pulak susah...huhuhu...naseb baek B.O tu tak susah..FYI- B.O stands for clinical term BOWEL OUT...huahua..

Have a great day...